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2 Corinthians, which is part of the NIV Application Commentary series, helps readers learn how the message of 2 Corinthians can have the same powerful impact today that it did when it was first written. This volume is part of a series which explains the Bible’s message by placing it in a modern context. This edition gives insight into both the author of the letter, Paul, and most strikingly, what...

him. In making this point, Paul continues to use Moses’ veil as a metonymy for the hardness of one’s heart (cf. 3:14–15a). Thus, those who fail to see God’s glory in Paul’s ministry do so because of their spiritual blindness. The cause for this hard-heartedness is given in 4:4. Those who repudiate the gospel do so because of their inability to accept that it owes its existence to Satan’s rule over the present evil age (cf. Gal. 1:4; Eph. 2:1–3). Like Israel in 2 Corinthians 3:13–15a, “they cannot
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